"In the United States, it is feared as a killer of cats and dogs and a potential threat to humans.
Yet in China, the mildly toxic chemical melamine is commonly used in animal feed and is even praised by some customers, according to the managers of a feed company and one of the chemical’s producers."
Monday, April 30, 2007
Animal feed in China often contains mild toxin
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Pet food scare: Details on recall
"Canadian pet food manufacturer Menu Foods has recalled numerous varieties of pet food made before March 6. Other companies have also issued alerts.
Federal testing of some of the cat and dog food and the wheat gluten used in their production turned up the chemical melamine, which can be toxic in high doses."
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Clues to pet food recall traced to Chinese city
"XUZHOU, China: U.S. investigators looking into the tainted pet food that killed at least 16 cats and dogs, sickened thousands of pets and led to a recall in North America have traced the problem to this bustling eastern city."
Thursday, April 12, 2007
China denies role in pet food recall
"China denied Monday that pet food ingredients exported to the United States are to blame for the recall of more than 60 million cans of cat and dog food and the deaths of 14 animals"
Thursday, April 5, 2007
China rejects blame for pet food recall
"SHANGHAI: China said Thursday that it had no record of exporting any agricultural products that could have tainted the pet food that has been linked to the deaths of at least 16 cats and dogs in the United States."
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